I've made an epoxy tip and am 'glassing the blade for a bent shaft paddle I made in the fall. I've been looking for a good paddle to use for our annual trip on the Brazos River, which is a slow-moving, shallow and sometimes rocky stream. Because it is shallow and slow, I've gone with a shorter, wider blade. I've made it out of cherry, walnut, maple, basswood, and western red cedar, hoping the combination will give me both strength and lightness. I'm glassing the blade and giving it an epoxy tip in hopes that it will give it some durability in the rocky parts of the stream.
I carved the paddle at the annual Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching last November. I always take along a paddle blank and shave horse, and sit and carve a complete paddle over the two and a half days I'm there. It draws in people who would otherwise pass by the display touting our degree program.
The river's full name is "
El Rio de los Brazos de Dios"--the river of the welcoming arms of God. I've always loved that name, and so have decided that this paddle will be called "
de los Brazos."
Here are some photos of the epoxy tip and glassing process.
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